Our free delivery service covers mainland Britain but does not include deliveries to the Highlands, Scottish Isles, offshore islands including Isle of Wight, Isle of Man and Channel Islands, London and Northern Ireland.
Standard delivery cost outwith mainland Britain on our larger products is charged at £99 or individually on small items which is shown during checkout.
Change of order pre-delivery:
We understand that in some cases our customers need to amend or change their order. This is free to do within 48 hours of placing your order. Please contact 01698 882444 for internet orders and the store you purchased from to advise of any changes. After 48 hours if you wish to change your order details there will be an administrative charge. This is to cover reprocessing your order and restocking products that cannot be cancelled with the supplier.
What if it won't fit?
It is your responsibility to ensure that your new furniture will fit into your home. Please check access routes, door sizes and corridors prior to ordering your furniture.
In cases where access is totally restricted we will not attempt re-delivery and will ask you to reselect.
Tracking your order
If you have any queries on delivery or need to update your delivery details - please phone 01698 882444 and we will be happy to deal with your enquiry.
R&J Leather © 2025